Sunday, November 17, 2013

IT'S ALIVE! (1969 TV movie) episode & BLOOD FREAK

Matt's solo episode is all done and ready for listening. You can get it here or on iTunes.

Norman Sterns demands gas from Mr. Greeley/Greavey.

 Our monster...

As always, we appreciate any feedback you want to leave and hope you share the show with anyone you think would dig it.

Our Thanksgiving movie will be the 1972 Christian anti-drug film Blood Freak. Turkey day will NEVER be the same again.


  1. Hey listeners. Trying to coming up with a few more suggestions for the Blood Freak board game so that everyone can play along with the action. Send in your suggestions! If we use our idea we'll put your name in the credits.

    Kickstarter coming soon.

    Note: Only Washington and Colorado residents are eligible for the laced joint but all purchases will include a lab coat and a sack of feathers.

  2. RE: Blood Freak. How'd they do such a good job of getting turkey sounds, but such a poor job of picking up the voices of their actors?

    1. and when Hershel goes on his rampage? Was it the same scream used for every death scene? Or is that supposed to be Hershel's turkey scream of pain and rage?

    2. Wow. You really gave this some thought. I like the idea of it being Hershel's soul screaming in anguish, but, c'mon...

    3. "How'd they do such a good job of getting turkey sounds, but such a poor job of picking up the voices of their actors?"

      The mic was in the turkey.

  3. Are you thinking along the lines of a Chutes and Ladders or Monopoly layout? For instance, players need to avoid the pools of blood, slide and go back 4 spaces? Or, smoke a laced jay? Lose 2 turns. Eat too much turkey and succumb to a tryptophan coma, lose another turn.

    Wow, thing writes itself.

  4. Also, if your player eats too much turkey, he goes on a murderous rampage, killing the other players on the board.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I love the idea for this game and think it needs to happen. Can the 'God'/Dungeon Master character be the narrator, please? Like, right in the middle of the board inside the pop-o-matic thing?
